Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is it ok to be an intovert?

There's nothing wrong with being an introvert! I consider myself to be one. Introversion doesn't mean that somebody is necessarily shy or socially awkward like some think, one can be extroverted and shy as well. All introversion means is that you enjoy spending time by yourself and build up energy that way. Extroversion means you constantly feel the need to be around people, though that doesn't necessarily mean you have good social skills. So for me, being introverted means that even though I definitely like spending time with close friends and meeting new people, there are many times where I would just rather be by myself and think things to myself. But I've been to lots of job interviews and consider myself a decent interviewee, seeing as I got the first job I interviewed for both this summer and last. You being nervous has nothing to do with introversion and is something that can be easily worked on.

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