Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Spotting and missed period?

ok so on june 3rd i had some light redish brownish spotting when i went to the bathroom. it was only when i wiped and just that one time during the day. since then nothing. i was due for my period about 2 days ago. i am VERY REGULAR with my cycle and never missed a period. its like clock work every 30th day. i always get bad pms symptoms about a week or more berfore my period comes..the sore breast, cramping and the whole nine. but this month nothing not even the slightest bit of soreness. i have had some very very very mild cramping like im gonna get my period but when i fel like its there nd go check i get not one drop of blood. i took two pregnancy test one about 2 days after the spotting and another the day after. neither was with first morning urine tho. both were neg. i still dont have any sign that my period is coming. im not surewhat to think. not sure if mabey i tested to early..or what please someone help me. ive never been pregnant before. and yes i have unpretected sex with my bf. im not on birth control but he always pulls out. btw im 20 years old. PLEASE SOMEONE HEELLPP ME!

Will I ever regret not getting married?

I am 29 and have never been married. I have dated different women since I was 18. Haven't been in a relationship since December of 2009.I have said for years I didn't want to get married.Will I regret my decision later on in life? I am just a loner and I come and go as I please. It doesn't make me jealous anymore when I see my friends with these beautiful women. I used to fel left out like it wasn't meant to be for me. Now I just have learned to accept being a loner. Have a great day!

Need help with what to do!! Please what would you do?

Try to plan ahead and life will be easier I think. I find I can accomplish more when I plan ahead. I'm like you too. I like to just be spontaneous and haven't been a good planner.

Anxiety ADHD Overwhelmed?

So tired, went to bed at 8:30, woke up every couple of hours and read to fall asleep. Up at @ 7:30 AM achey and tired. Dranke 2 double lattes, ate banana and rye with cheese. Overcome with anxiety, so went for a short walk. When I got home, the anxiety and grief were even more pronounced. When I exercise, I stop and just cry. If I go to yoga or guided prayer, I often have spontaneous tears. I hate this lifestyle. I avoid exercise, and can't understand the grief anxiety when I DO exercise. This is decades old. How to change? Trying harder--performance (climb mountains, XC, overtime working hours, counseling) don't make me successful or peaceful. Went off ADHD meds about 2 months ago, after about 18 months of trying different combinations...I'm pooped, walking in grief, staving (barely) off desperate. Why do I just stop and cry in the middle of a hike or jog (I cannot go on without just a total breakdown). Alone I can just cry, with friends, I have to stifle this. What will help ME be at peace with ME? Why do I just break down, even during EXERCISE?

My Nissan needs exhaust manifold gaskets needs replacing please help?

I have 300zx 1990 and 118k, bought it from friend he gave me exhaust manifold gasket set in a fel pro box. How much will it cost to replace and will it be easy? It is pretty loud and small smell of gas around whole car after it sits for 8 hours. ?? Any help will be appreciated, i called a mechanic he said do they both need to be replaced? I dont know but all my friend gave me was a set of gaskets and 1 set goes to each exhaust right so i should only need one gasket (set) replaced?

Why am i constanlty feeling this way?

okay well, im always thinking somethings wrong with me.. i sometimes fel too lazy too use my brain.. but i do workoutt.. umm everytime i think about something ill belive it and start acting that way.. but i cant seem too tell myself postive things.. i feel unwanted.. all my friends left me cuz they got annoyed by me talking about my problemss..i always feel like someones watching me.. or if im typing something ill suspect that the other person im writing too will think what im saying is stupid.. and theyll start talking too me like im stupid.. i cant go too the doctors or see theropyst i dont have medical.. or insurnace.. but everytime i talk too certain people my heart jumps and starts too be super fast and ill start thinking all this stuff.. am i going crazy"? ive been feeling like this for months and im sick of it... oh and i also feel like i bring people down or suck there energy out of themm .. and it makes them not wanna be around me crazy i know.. but i heard such things as energy vampires and thats all i think about and what i said above lol

My mom won't let me dye my hair?

I'm 13 years old and I want to dye my hair a dark-ish brown. Right now I have hair that's sort of in-between light and medium brown hair with natural blonde highlights. I want to dye my hair darker bcause I think it will look really nice with my skin and eye color, and also I just got braces and I think it'll work a lot better with them than my current color. However, one of my friends is always dying her hair really badly and it looks terrible on her because she dyes it unnatural colors like orange and black (which doesn't look natural because she's pale with green-blue eyes) and then doesn't take care of it so you can see her roots. My mom says that she, and i quote, "looks like a cheap hooker". I have no clue how my mom drew that conclusion but anyways, because of her I'm not allowed to dye my hair. I can get a streak in it, like a blue or purple streak, but most of my hair has to remain this color. I think that is 100% unfair and unreasonable. The reason I want to dye it is because she forced me to get braces, which I absolutely did not want (my teeth aren't even crooked). Besides, tons of kids at my school dye their hair and look great with it. It's just that the only kid she's seen with dyed hair does it terribly and doesn't take care of it. How can I convince her to let me dye my hair????? I'm half considering riding my bike to the store and just getting a box of dye, just because she is ALWAYS doing stuff like this. Like, last year she took me to the store to buy summer clothes, and picked out most of what I bought. Now this year, after barely growing at all, she complains that everything I wear is innapropriate even though everything I'm wearing is what she picked out for me. Mostly it doesn't really matter to me, I don't care about wearing longer shorts and stuff, but I really want to dye my hair.